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Air/Vapor Barrier for Building Envelope

1 hIn person at your office


COURSE PRO014-1-22 - Managing Condensation, Water Intrusion and Energy in the Real World PROGRAM SUMMARY Window opening air and water leakage has been a difficult problem for the construction industry. This course evaluates building failures, conventional construction approaches, and new developments in waterproofing techniques to show a path forward for designers seeking higher-performing wall assemblies. The presentation concludes with illustrations of how quick-change test chambers can be used to conduct preconstruction design verification testing. This allows full scale mock ups to be tested, refined and then re-tested until sustainable performance is achieved. LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Explain why job-site conditions should be used as systems engineering requirements in construction product development. • Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between silicone, urethane, and STPE sealants. • Describe the multi-step weatherproofing process of conventional window installation and how such installations fare in real-world testing conditions. • Explain new window weatherproofing techniques using liquid flashing membranes. • Instruct others on construction defect remediation using STPE technology through case study examples. • Describe the use of test chambers to verify designs prior to construction. CREDITS 1 HSW units

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